Prepare for Magento 2 interview questions and answers as Magento hiring Interviews can be a tricky affair. No matter how prepared or qualified you are for the job, there’s always the fear of being asked questions you might not have heard of before.
It’s always better to have at least some idea of what type of questions might be thrown at you, especially if you’re a first-timer.
I’ve compiled a list of 20 top Magento 2 interview questions and answers that have been asked in many companies before. Be sure to prep these and test your knowledge!
Magento 2 Interview Questions and Answers
Question 1. What is MVC Architecture?
MVC is the Model-View-Controller architecture that divides an application into 3 components- model, view and controller. The model takes care of the data and logic behind running an application. The view is pretty much everything you see on an application’s interface and it shows you whatever you want to see. The controller transmits or gives orders to the view and the model depending on the user’s request.
MVC is of two types- convention-based and configuration based. Magento uses a configuration based version, meaning if you have to get a module config file to work, everything will have to be specified to it.
Question 2: Which command is used to enable or disable a Magento 2 module?
php bin/magento module:enable module_name
php bin/magento module:disable module_name
Question 3: What technology does Magento 2 use?
Magento uses MySQL for database and PHP as a web server language.
Magento 2 uses PHP 7.0.2 up to 7.0.10. PHP 7.0.5 is an exception since it has an issue that upsets the Magento code compiler. Versions 5.6x can also work. For MySQL, it uses version 5.6 or 5.7.
Question 4: What is EAV?
The Entry, Attribute, Value model, also known as object-attribute-value or Open Schema, is a database or catalog management system that is used in Magento.
EAV was designed for databases where there might be a large number of attributes that define a certain entity, but not all of these attributes might apply to that entity. For example, let’s say that the entity is a product, defined by attributes like color, size, etc. The value would then be black, 12kgs, etc.
Using this model, only non-empty data values are stored. While this model facilitates efficient storage, it’s more complex than the Flat model because a developer has to run multiple queries to get complete information about a product or an entity.
Question 5. How can you write a custom module in Magento 2?
Say you the model name is ‘hosting’. You have to define it in app/code folder
It should be: app/code/VendorName/moduleName.
For example: app/code/Webscoot/Hosting
- Create the folder of ‘hosting’ module
- Create etc/module.xml file
- Create etc/registration.php file
- Enable the module
Question 6: How can you improve the performance of Magento 2?
- Optimizing image size
- MySQL Query Caching
- Enable Magento caching
- Enable Gzip caching
- Disabling modules that aren’t in use
- Write clean code
- Use dedicated hosting services because it’s a resource-hungry platform.
Question 7: Which command is used to enable or disable a Magento 2 cache?
php bin/magento cache:enable
php bin/magento cache:disable
Question 8: How can you change the core Magento API settings?
- Go to the Admin menu.
- Choose System and then Configuration
- Select Magento Core API on the left side of the Configuration Panel
- Tap to expand the General Settings section
- Type the name of the Default Response Charset that you want to use
- Determine the Client Session Timeout in seconds
- Click the Save Configuration button when complete
Question 9: What is the difference between a cache:clean and cache:flush?
Cache:clean deletes all the cache that has been enabled for Magento. Cache: flush on the other hand deletes all the cache storage whether it is from a third party or Magento cache.
Question 10: How many tables will be created when you make a new EAV model?
Six tables will be created. These include:
- Module_datetime
- Module
- module_decimal,
- module_int
- module_text
- Module_varchar
Question 11: How can you reset Magento file & directory permissions?
You can reset them by following commands through the directory where Magento is installed.
find . –type f –exec chmod 644 {} ;
find . –type d –exec chmod 755 {} ;
chmod +x mage
Question 12: Which File Stores The Vendor Path?
It’s vendor_path.php situated at app/etc/ folder.
Question 13: What are the different deploy modes in Magento 2?
The different deploy modes are:
- Default mode: Through this mode, you can deploy Magento applications on a single server. This mode is not optimized for production.
- Developer mode: used when you’re extending the functionality of your website or customizing it.
- Production: This mode is enabled when your Magento 2 website is in production.
- Maintenance: this mode prevents access to a Magento website when it is being updated or reconfigured
Question 14: What is the command to set up an upgrade in Magento 2?
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Question 15: What is a factory class in Magento 2?
Factory classes are used to create, change, or get an entity without having to access the object manager since it is discouraged by Magento. These classes are created during code generation and do not need to be manually defined.
Question 16: What is dependency injection in Magento 2?
Dependency injection is used in Magento 2 to replace the Mage class functionality that Magento 1 used.
It’s a pattern in which object 1 can declare its dependencies on object 2, and then object 1 doesn’t have to worry about procuring its own dependency requirements. Object 2 will do that based on desired behavior or configurations.
General Magento 2 Questions and Answers:
Question 17. What is Magento?
Magento is an OpenSource eCommerce platform build on PHP. It was first published in 2008 and holds a large chunk of the eCommerce market. It has two plans, one is Open Source, which is a free software anyone can install and create a store on. The other is Magento Commerce which is a paid solution, and it takes care of the hosting and setting up aspects of the store.
Question 18. How is Magento 2 better than Magento 1?
Magento 2 is better because:
- Improved architecture with the latest versions of PHP, Nginx, Apache, Zend, Symphony.
- It is faster than Magento 1 and gives better performance
- The dashboard and admin panel is cleaner and more user-friendly.
- More advanced features like page builder and PWA integration.
- Easier to install and update extensions
- Better backend UI
Question 19. What are the features of Magento 2?
- Open software
- Easily scalable
- Secure payments
- Easy updations
- Highly customizable. More so than other platforms.
- Reporting and analytics
- International support
Question 20. What are static blocks in Magento 2?
Static blocks are the ones in which information doesn’t change. These blocks can be added anywhere on any page throughout the Magento store. For example, a block containing Google maps marking your office’s physical location would be a static block.
Above were the Magento 2 questions and answers that you need to know in order to crack your interview. Prep these, but don’t forget to be confident while answering these questions. You can also look into this Magento hiring guide for additional questions/answers and tips.
If you feel like we missed out on anything, do mention in the comments below. If there’s anything more you’d like to know about Magento, talk to your experts here.

Divya loves writing and is passionate about marketing. When not trying to hone her skills, you’ll find her either reading or binging on TV shows.
Believe guys me this is the best article on the internet so far for Magento interview questions. Kudos to the team for amazing work.
Thanks for Magento 2 interview questions as I am looking to hire some Magento developers and this is really helpful for me.
Question no.5, Its not etc/registration.php but directly registration.php inside module.
Rest is good and really helpful.