Cache Management

Cache Management

The Cache Management DashboardFlushing the Cache Flushing Redis Cache    The Cache Management Dashboard The Magento cache in Magento 1.X is managed under System->Cache Management After clicking that link you should see a full list of your caches, similar to...
Magento 1.9 Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1

Magento 1.9 Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1

If you have updated Magento to 1.9.2, you may encounter this error when using the downloader. The problem is due to older ciphers and remains an uncorrected bug. But this is fixed by adjusting one line of code. To correct this,...
Invoicing printing blank or 500 error

Invoicing printing blank or 500 error you moved to a server with PHP 5.4, you might get blank invoices from your admin when using the Print Invoice button. If you Googled this, you probably found yet...