Magento 2.3 Release: What Could Go Wrong?
In Magento 2.3 version upgrade, they have placed their stakes according to the latest design- and mobile-related eCommerce trends, like convenient mobile web development, and easier page building for users with little to no programming skills. But, before you enjoy...
Magento 1 vs Magento 2: Top 7 Reasons to Upgrade
Even after the release of Magento 2, there are 420,000+ stores still running on Magento 1. It could be because of uncertainty, discomfort, or simple procrastination. To clear the clutter, let’s dive into a detailed analysis of Magento 1 vs Magento 2. Table of Content:...Choosing the Best Magento Hosting: The Ultimate Guide [2022]
eCommerce stores face stiff competition. If your site loads slower than your competitor, you will lose revenue to them. Your store’s performance is dependent on your hosting provider. That’s why having the best Magento hosting would mean faster speed,...