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GDPR for eCommerce: Everything a Store Owner Should Know
Webscoot Consent is king. With the growing internet penetration and digitization, there is a need to protect and empower consumers. GDPR for eCommerce has changed the way business interacts with the customers. Even though there’s much hype around GDPR, the current...
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in 4 Simple Steps
Managed hosting provider if you’re not yet on HTTPS, the browser is going to through a “Not Secure” warning on your website. For compliance purposes, you need to have an SSL-encrypted connection. Once, you have installed SSL, it is crucial to redirect HTTP to...
Guide: Magento Performance Optimization in 2022
Delivering better user-experience is the key to selling more online. People will abandon your cart if the site takes more than 2 seconds to load. That’s why it becomes crucial to speed up Magento stores. In this blog, you will learn about Magento performance...
Why is Google Crazy About SSL Certificate? [& What Can You do?]
If you don’t have an SSL certificate, Google will show a “Not Secure” warning on your website. The reason Google is forcing SSL certificates to websites is to boost online security and encourage people to perform online activities. Blog Overview: 1. What is SSL &...
Choosing the Best Magento Hosting: The Ultimate Guide [2022]
eCommerce stores face stiff competition. If your site loads slower than your competitor, you will lose revenue to them. Your store's performance is dependent on your hosting provider. That's why having the best Magento hosting would mean faster speed, regular security...
Magento PWA: Everything You Need to Know
Magento introduced the most awaited version, Magento 2.3, on 28th November 2018. This version has introduced a ton of new features and a lot of smaller optimizations. But the most awaited feature is Magento Progressive Web App (PWA) Studio. Major Features Introduced...
How to Install SUPEE-9767 Patch On Your Magento Store?
The latest Magento Patch, SUPEE-9767, Community Edition, and Enterprise Edition address to eliminate security vulnerabilities. Important Note Implement and test the patch to confirm it works according to the expectations before deploying it to a live...
Critical Security Updates – Magento 2.0.10 AND 2.1.2
Magento Enterprise Edition and Community Edition 2.0.10 and 2.1.2 contain multiple security enhancements to address a Zend Framework vulnerability, prevent unauthorized users from backing up Magento files, and ensure sessions are invalidated after a user logs out....
Securing Magento 1.x against malware and brute force attacks
Brute force attacks against Magento stores are unfortunately common, as with any popular web framework. Fortunately, they are easily countered as they are often lazy attacks from automated scripts or botnets that try to use the default Magento paths to gain entry....