Once you’ve decided to migrate to AWS, the next step is to decide which services you need out of so many options available. This article will help you decide the right application to reach your goals faster and efficiently. Let’s get into RDS vs EC2.
Comparison of Amazon RDS vs EC2 on the basis of:
Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS): It is a SaaS-based service that automatically configures and maintains your database in the cloud.
Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2): It provides scalable computing capacity. It enables you to scale up and down according to the changes in requirements.
Let’s Talk About Similarity
Amazon RDS and EC2 will help you to build a database in a secure environment, supports high-performance applications, and are highly scalable.
RDS vs EC2: Major Differences
With Amazon RDS, AWS will take care of your database from end-to-end. AWS offers an automated process for configuring, managing, maintaining, and securing.
1. Availability
Amazon RDS is a highly available relational database. It automatically creates a primary DB instance and replicates the data side by side to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone.
With EC2 instance, you have to set up MySQL for high availability.
2. Compatibility
RDS supports Aurora, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.
3. Backups
Amazon RDS offers automated backups so that your progress isn’t hampered. You can get snapshots on-demand and keep them with you as long as you wish to. However, the setup isn’t easy with EC2.
4. Scalability
Scaling up your database is comparatively easier with Amazon RDS. This can be done by adding replicas.
5. Performance
AWS RDS offers Provisioned IOPS or PIOPS to achieve fast, predictable, and consistent Input/Output performance.
6. Storage
In Amazon RDS, you get 2 types of storage options:
- Standard Magnetic Storage: It goes up to 3,000 IOPS
- Provisioned: Depending upon your needs, it can go up to 10,000 IOPS
In EC2, you get the following:
- 80,000 IOPS and 800 Mbps with provisioned IOPS
7. Control
EC2 offers complete control over the system. With the database on EC2, you can use EBS RAID and striping configurations for higher and better performance.
8. Security
In EC2, EBS volumes are encrypted to protect your data. This is majorly beneficial when traveling from EBS volume to EC2 instance.
9. Pricing
You can estimate the cost using the AWS cost calculator.
For EC2:
Configuration detail:
- Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge
- Number of Instances: 3
- Memory: 32 GiB
- vCPUs: 8
- Storage: 100 GB
For RDS:
Configuration detail:
- Instance Type: db.m5.2xlarge
- Number of Instances: 1
- Memory: 32 GiB
- vCPUs: 8
- Storage: 100 GB
RDS vs EC2: What’s best for you?
In RDS vs EC2, there are pros and cons to be considered for the MySQL server database.
Once you’ve figured out your requirements, you will be able to make the right decision.
If you want an automated and cost-effective solution, go for RDS. Whereas, for more control and flexibility, EC2 will be better for your SQL server database.
RDS has a little edge over EC2. Here’s why:
1. Optimized DB Solutions & Replication: There’s no need to manually set up database mirroring and failover clusters since you already get this in RDS.
2. Outsource tasks: You can outsource tasks like database provisioning, security, and updating versions.
3. Focus on important tasks: It allows you to focus on tasks like schema optimization and performance tuning.
4. Automatic Backups: In case of a disaster, RDS manages your backups automatically.
Reasons EC2 seems to be better:
1.Full control: It gives you maximum control over software stack, database, and OS.
2. Database Admins: You can hire your own database administrators. Manage your database by looking after clustering, replication, and backups.
3. More features: You can use SQL Server features that aren’t currently supported by Amazon RDS.
4. High Performance: It helps in exceeding your maximum database size and performance.
Both the options will help you to build a database in a VPC secure environment. They are highly scalable. The entire decision goes down to what you want – control or automated processes, cost of time, and the skills to manage.
P.S If you’re looking for expert AWS management, book your consultation.

Sakshi takes care of everything related to Marketing at Webscoot.io. She has knowledge about Magento, WordPress, and Dogs.