30 Magento 2 Free (& paid) Extensions: An Ultimate List

Magento Extensions
Last updated May 6, 2024

The Magento marketplace consists of 5000+ extensions. Sifting through them all and narrowing down which Magento 2 free extensions you want for your store can prove to be a mountainous task.  

After hours of perusing through the Magento marketplace myself, I’ve come up with a list that should simplify your work considerably. 

The extensions I’ve added in this list are from all the listed categories in the marketplace. They’re all rated 4 stars and above, and you’ll find that most of these are necessary to run your store. 

Table of Content:

  1. Marketing
  2. Content & Customizations
  3. Payment & Security
  4. Shipment & fulfillment
  5. Site Optimizations
  6. Reporting & analytics
  7. Accounting & finance
  8. Customer support

Magento 2 Free Extensions

I. Marketing

HubSpot Integration by Eyeimagine  

HubSpot is a very popular inbound marketing software.

Marketing strategies are successful only if they’ve been tailored to target a specific audience.
Integrating HubSpot will sync all your Magento data (abandoned carts, customer profiles, customer details, etc) so that you can target different types of customers uniquely, through segmentation. 

You can then use this customer data and devise a more impactful marketing strategy.

You’ll be able to:

  • Attribute the revenue generated to marketing campaigns so that you can keep track of what’s effective. 
  • Automate and personalize abandoned cart nurturing.
  • You can send automated emails and personalize those depending on whether you’re sending to abandoned cart customers, recurring customers, etc.

Social Share by MageBuzz  

It’s a simple extension that adds social share buttons on product pages so that users can share their favorite products via their social media. 

This extension can make for a good word-of-mouth marketing tactic. If your users like your products, they’ll want to share them with their friends and followers online. In turn, they’ll be directing people to your website which will increase your traffic!

MageBuzz only allows you to add share buttons to four social media platforms- Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, & Pinterest as these platforms have the largest number of users. 

SquareFeed Google Shopping Ads   

Google shopping ads are widely used by Magento merchants. SquareFeed’s Google shopping ads extension will seamlessly link your website with your shopping ads account so that you can directly run campaigns from your Magento store. 


  • You can view campaign stats without logging into Google ads. 
  • You can create data feeds in 2 simple steps. 
  • A filters feature that allows you to remove products/data from your feed easily
  • You can change bids, daily budgets, and your ad campaign strategy right from the Magento admin panel. 

SMTP by MagePlaza

Magento 2 free extensions

eCommerce store owners have to send out bulk transaction emails to their customers. There’s a higher probability of these emails ending up in the spam box. SMTP by MagePlaza will make sure the emails reach your customer’s inbox. 


  • It supports 20+ SMTP service providers. 
  • It supplies SSL and TLS protocols.
  • All the sent out emails will be stored at the backend interface. They can be scheduled to clean at a later date.
  • Autofill function that fills all SMTP credentials like Host, port, authentications, and protocol. 
  • There’s email self-check testing that will help you check if your emails are landing on your customer’s inbox or not. 


II. Content & Customizations

Nosto by Nosto Solutions Ltd. 

Magento extension

Nosto’s extension basically observes and analyses your user’s behavior and automatically recommends them products based on their preferences, previously ordered/viewed items, etc. 

Apart from content and product personalization,

Nostro offers:

  1. Customer segmentation & Insights
  2. Facebook & Instagram Ads
  3. Onsite Pop-ups
  4. Personalized Emails
  5. In-Store Personalization
  6. Mobile App Personalization

Nosto’s AI works excellently and understands the visitors interacting on your website. It gives them a more personalized experience in real-time and increases customer engagement. 

News by MageArray

News by Mage Array


NewsArray helps you add news and other articles/content to your website. You can use this module to act as a blog for your website. Internet shoppers are extra cautious and want to make well-informed decisions while purchasing products online. 

This extension can come in handy to increase customer engagement as well as providing value to your shoppers. 

You can add articles on product suggestions, top products under different categories, news related to your online store, etc. 

Apart from basic CMS features, MageArray offers you:

  • Related product management, so that your customers can be directed to products on your online store while they’re reading your articles. 
  • SEO optimizations to so that you can set up SEO titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords, etc. 

Searchanise Smart Search

Searchandise is a smart search tool that aims to enhance your buyer’s experience through the search bar. It gives personalized search suggestions, autocorrects typos, keyword-based redirects and more. 


  • It gathers your customer’s behavioral data to improve conversion rates. 
  • It puts no extra load on your server. 
  • It’s fully customizable to fit any website design. 
  • There is in-built analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Form Builder by MightyForms

Mighty forms help you build responsive forms without requiring any coding skills through its easy to use drag and drop editor. 


  • Input fields will only accept valid information so there will be no spam. 
  • Integrates with Google to send data directly to your Google sheets, calendars, or Drive. 
  • You can track data in real-time. This means you can collect the data the user has input even if she ends up abandoning the form. 
  • Online PDF filling forms.

III. Payment & Security


Bolt Checkout  

Magento 2 free extensions

Bolt defines itself as an intelligent platform that has perfected checkout precision, so as to minimize fraudulent online shopping and payments. It uses a process called ‘tokenization’ to run transactions so that no confidential payment details are stored on your server. 


  • 100% coverage for fraudulent chargebacks and international risk. 
  • Efficient fraud detection through machine learning and its team of risk experts. 
  • Bank-level security with GDPR and PCI DSS Level I compliance. 


IV. Shipment and fulfillment

Order Eraser by Wyomind  

Magento admins can delete useless orders in an easy way using this extension. You can delete orders one by one, or by selecting a bunch of them through this extension’s mass actions dropdown. 

All the selected orders, along with the data linked to them ( invoices, memos, etc) will get deleted on initiation. 

You can use this extension to delete test orders or old orders that are of no use to you anymore. 

V. Site Optimizations


Image Optimizer by Apptrian

eCommerce stores have to upload tons of images on their website to make sales. Heavy images can slow down your website considerably. Image Optimizer will reduce the size of your images (GIF, JPG, PNG) while ensuring that the image quality remains intact. 

You can optimize images through Magento admin manually, or it can be done automatically through a configurable cron job. 

Features include:

  • A path option where you can type paths you want to be scanned for images.
  • There’s also a ‘Start Scan and Reindex Process’ for scanning and reindexing images. 


Cron Scheduler by KiwiCommerce

Magento 2 free extensions

Cron is a job scheduler through which you can schedule predefined tasks that are repetitive in nature. It has a beautiful and simple to use interface, that can keep you on top of what’s happening behind the store. 


  • It displays all the future, current & previous jobs with their running time, status, and other details. 
  • You receive an automatic email if a cron job displays errors. 
  • You can customize existing cron jobs or create new ones from scratch. 
  • It automatically kills jobs if they’ve been running for a long time. 


Minify HTML CSS JS by Apptrian

This Magento 2 plugin minifies the source code of your website by deleting extra characters and unused code, using shorter variables and function names, and so on. 

This reduces the size of your website’s code, meaning fewer bytes of data will have to be fetched from your server, making your website load speed faster. 

It minifies HTML, Javascript and CSS code without changing the functionality. Also, if there’s a page that is showing an error, then it will not be minified. 

Magento 2 Store Restriction Pro by MagePsycho

MagePyscho SEO extension


This extension by MagePsycho provides restriction functionality for your Magento store in the following ways:

  • Disable registration: admins can block new registrations from the storefront if they want to create accounts from admin interface,
  • Customer group selector allows customers to select their segment while registering
  • Customer Activation/Approval allows site owners to reject or accept new accounts.
  • Restricting store access: you can allow only logged in users to access certain pages, while guest users can freely access only specific pages of your website

It comes with an easy installation guide, backend, and frontend demo.

VI. Reporting & Analytics


Webeyez Analytics

Magento 2 free extensions

Webeyez is a monitoring service extension that will enable you to keep an eye on your website’s overall technical performance.


  • It monitors every user’s transaction on your website and presents it in an understanding way.
  • It runs detection algorithms to keep a check on fluctuations in the performance of all KPIs.
  • It monitors page load time, server time, uptime, Javascript errors, etc. 
  • It detects anomalies on all tech metrics. 

HumCommerce by HB Digital

Magento 2 free extensions

HummCommerce aims to optimize your conversion rate by recording how your customers interact on your website using heatmaps, visitor session recordings, conversion funnels, etc. 


  • A/B testing to check different versions of a landing page. 
  • Form analytics to see what form placements are intrusive and make your visitors leave the page. 
  • You can identify bottlenecks in your sales funnel and see what makes your customers leave your website.   
  • Visitor session recordings and heat maps to gauge what your customers are doing on your website. 

Mopinion Feedback Survey 

Magento 2 free extensions

Mopinion helps you build feedback survey forms through which you can collect visual suggestions, comments, compliments, and suggestions. 


  • Feedback form triggering so that you can ask the right question at appropriate times to understand why your users are not converting. 
  • You can take visual feedback through screenshots to understand why a particular page is not working. 
  • Reporting and text sentiment analysis to understand the overall opinion of customers. 

Related read: Setup Magento 2 Google Analytics: 3-Step Quick Guide

VII. Accounting & Finance


AvaTax by Classy Llama 

Avatax will take care of all tax-related technicalities that every eCommerce store owner is faced with. You can easily calculate sales tax, file remittances and returns, and manage exemptions. 


  • Address validation through which input addresses are automatically corrected for typos and inaccurate street names. 
  • Accurate calculation of tax for different product types and categories through their system tax codes. 
  • It generates brief or detailed transaction reports on demand. 
  • The filing and payment process is hassle-free. 



Magento 2 free extensions

This extension syncs all your financial data like sales revenue, fees, expenses, shipping to one powerful app. All your data from Magento and other marketplaces will be automatically posted to Quickbooks or Xero. 


  • It simplifies and organizes accounting of all your finances. 
  • You can automate multichannel data entry and control everything from one app. 
  • You can sync products from all channels and monitor them through Webgility.

Sales Tax Automation by TaxJar

Magento 2 free extensions: Tax jar

Sales tax automates the tax calculation, filling, and reporting procedure for your Magento store through their SmartCalcs Sales Tax API. 


  • It supports over 30 countries, so you don’t have to spend time learning the tax rules of different countries. 
  • Your tax settings will automatically be configured and you won’t have to manually update rate tables or worry about tax calculation. 

VIII. Customer Support


Magento 2 free extensions: live chat

Live Chat adds a chat tool to the bottom right of your website screen so that your customers can reach you easily if they’re having a problem. Also, you can prompt them to engage with you using chat invitations. 


  • You can easily customize your chat widget. 
  • It provides you basic chat statistics, summaries, and daily reports. 
  • It offers visitor tracking, accumulates customer data, visitor information, etc. 


Magento 2 free extensions

Giorgas is a customer support extension to centralize all your customer communication like emails, live chat, social media comments, and messages. 


  • You can use automated templates to respond to recurring questions and tickets like ‘where is my order’. 
  • There’s a live chat feature for instant response
  • You can auto-tag tickets and address the most pressing ones first. For example, you can tag tickets with the word ‘refund’. 
  • You can also easily cancel or refund orders from Giorgas. 

These are not free but worth checking out:

Magento 2 Shipping Rules by Meetanshi

In eCommerce, shipping rates mostly need to be customized so that cart abandonment is minimized and customers don’t end up paying more than they should. The default shipping rate provided by your carriers might not fit your target audience. You also sometimes need to alter shipping rules based on different factors.

This extension will allow you to create custom shipping rules. Along with that, you can also modify default shipping rates according to product and cart attributes.


  • Create rules based on product attributes, cart attributes, and shipping address conditions.
  • Enable shipping rules based on customer groups and store views.

It comes with free lifetime support and access to updates. It is compatible with all the latest Magento 2 versions.

Price: ?7,524

8. SimiCart Mobile App Builder

Magento 2 free extension- Simi Cart

Adding this extension will take the hassle of creating an app for your website off your shoulders. Most of your recurring customers would prefer to have an app of your store for easy shopping. 

Once you add the extension to your store, Simicart promises to deliver the app within 24 hours. All the data on your store will be synchronized with the app. 

Along with integrating your app with your website, Simicart will also tailor the layout and design of your app according to your taste. 

TurnTo Customer Content

TurnTo provides customer feedback solutions to Magento merchants. Their products include ratings & reviews, community Q&A, visual reviews, and checkout comments. 


  • You can add product ratings or customer comments to your product. 
  • It provides support for static embed caching and helps improve your site’s SEO. 
  • You can insert TurnTo’s widgets on any product and page and customize them. 
  • It automatically sends reviews to Google for product listing ads. 

Smart Popups by Poptin

magento 2 free extensions

Poptin is a lead generation platform that will help you create personalized popups and overlays to capture leads and subscribers. You can create widgets, side-bars, full-screen overlays, social widgets, video popups and more.

It includes:

  • Intuitive drag and drop editor for designing popups.
  • Fully responsive pre-built templates for all kinds of popups and overlays.
  • A/B split testing to see which CTAs, forms, videos, etc work the best. 
  • Analytics will show you how many people have seen your popups.
  • Integration of popup campaigns with your email and ad platforms.

Poptin pretty much offers everything you would need for launching a popup campaign. It provides the kind of flexibility you require to create capturing forms with the promise of a higher conversion rate. 


Shipper HQ is an end-to-end shipment solution that helps you control shipping rates and delivery options displayed to customers at checkout. You can better regulate your shipping margins and rates based on delivery methods, apply discounts and surcharges, compete on the basis of shipping rates, etc. 


  • It supports 30+ carriers including FedEx, LTL freight, UPS, etc. 
  • You can create shipping groups to give shipping discounts, apply place restrictions to certain product types. 
  • You can also apply carrier rules to control what shipping rates and methods are shown at checkout for various products based on their category,  shipping destination, price, etc. 
  • You can give a product delivery timeline to customers. Along with that, you can set maximum time in transit for perishable items. 

Magento 2 PayPal Multi Currency by Meetanshi

This extension by Meetanshi allows customers to make payments in their preferred currency using PayPal. eCommerce businesses usually have a global customer base. Being able to make payments in their native and preferred currency simplifies the payment process significantly for customers.

Key features include:

  • Supports PayPal Checkout method.
  • Allows paying in the currency other than the base currency.
  • Compatibility with all Magento Commerce and Open Source versions

Price: ?3,724

Stripe Payment Gateway Integration

Stripe is a fully secure payment gateway, specifically designed for recurring payments. It’s fully PCI compliant. It offers a set of APIs and metered recurring billing so that you can automate payment operations.


  • Customers can save payment methods and use the same credit card to make future payments. 
  • You can take advantage of Magento vault’s capability for enhanced security.
  • 3D secure support
  • You can filter out countries if you don’t have customers there. 
  • You can test the integration as well through Stripe sandbox. 


While these extensions are free, a lot of vendors will require you to pay for their platform to access additional functionality. Most of the free extensions in Magento are like that.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for, from this list of Magento 2 free extensions

If you feel like we missed some extensions that need to be in the list, do mention in the comments!



  1. Linda

    Great list, almost all of them are critical to any eCommerce site. We also have an extension for user personalization to increase sales of any ecommerce site. One that offers features like Personalized merchandising, Dynamic offer engine, Semantic search and User analytics.You guys being the masters, it would mean a lot to us if you can test us and give us your feedback. Thanks!

  2. B. Frances

    Hi Divya! Amazing collection.

    Well, you can also include one more in your list – Google Search Integration Magento 2 Extension. This is a powerful extension that helps to enhance the search functionality of your store for your users. It supports multi-store environments and improves your google search result with images. Further, it enhances search engine optimization performance.

  3. Gaurav Jain

    Hello Divya,
    Best collection of Free Magento 2 extensions. Most probably all the extensions are covered. ou can feature https://magecomp.com/magento-2-whatsapp-order-notification.html that is helpful in updating the users about whole process when the place order till the order is delivered. Feel free to connect with me for more details.

  4. Anonymous

    WONDERFUL Post. thanks for share…waiting for more

  5. Haribabu

    Your whole list of Magento Extensions looks cool and very useful.


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