Rebranding Announcement- MageHost is Now Webscoot

Rebranding announcement - Magehost is now Webscoot
Last updated May 6, 2024

We’re super stoked to announce that we’re rebranding, and as of January 2020, MageHost is now Webscoot.

We started as a hosting company focusing solely on Magento. Our vision was to build a premium Magento hosting brand that would:

  • Ensure zero downtime 
  • Work towards building a more secure hosting environment to minimize hacking incidents
  • Provide a fully managed solution so that our customers didn’t have to worry about anything hosting-related.

In 2019, we were able to achieve….

  • 1000+ happy customers 
  • 10 mins (average response time)
  • 57% Costs saved by clients

While our core values remain the same, our consistent efforts and the loyalty of our clients have enabled us to expand, and now we’re beginning the next leg of our journey. We’re now providing hosting for:


2. WooCommerce

3. OpenCart

4. Shopware

New Decade, New Us

Over the past few weeks, our team has been working hard to build a brand identity that would not only showcase our values as a team, but also the value we want to bring to our clients.

In the eCommerce industry, faster websites lead to more sales. We’ve always worked towards building hosting environments that would give our client websites superior speed, resulting in their growth. 

Naturally, this had to be a part of our new identity: 

Webscoot- Managed Hosting Provider

We’re now committed towards ‘Faster eCommerce’. We provide fully managed cloud hosting (powered by AWS) to eCommerce businesses of all sizes. You can see our plans here.

We’re positive that this change will only help us achieve bigger milestones. All our efforts are being poured into constructing a hosting brand that contributes to our clients’ growth. Our goals are aligned with yours!

Our new website has already been launched, with updated information about our new services. For existing clients, business will commence as usual, but you’ll see a change of identity across all our social media channels.

Lastly, we’d like to say that this expansion wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our clients and partners. We would like to express gratitude to all of you for trusting us, and helping us improve our business operations. We’re looking forward to many more years of doing successful business with you!



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