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AWS Vs Digital Ocean: 5 Point Comparison
If you're looking for a cloud platform to host your website/application on, then you have to dig into the AWS Vs Digital Ocean comparison. Though both of them differ largely in terms of size and types of services, their cloud hosting services are generally considered...
Magento 2 Layered Navigation: Top 5 Extensions
Site navigation plays a major role in enhancing a user's experience on your website. eCommerce stores offer a large number of products across a multitude of categories. Being able to look through such a large collection and finding the desired product shouldn't be a...
23 eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Increase your Customer Base
eCommerce websites put a lot of work in order to bring in customers to their website- from designing the perfect storefront, to rigorously pursuing marketing and promotional strategies. Here in this detailed article, we will discuss eCommerce conversion rate...
eCommerce Trends 2022: 10 Trends Driving the Future of eCommerce
The eCommerce industry is growing at a breakneck speed, with eCommerce retail sales amounting to 14% of global retail sales in 2019. Let's now discuss eCommerce trends 2020. This number is expected to grow phenomenally in the...
Types of Phishing Attacks and Important Prevention Tips
Phishing scams are a common occurrence on the internet. A lot of us aren't adequately aware of what these attacks are and how we, as netizens, are vulnerable to such attacks for every minute that we spend online. Phishing attacks have especially been on the rise ever...
Order Management System eCommerce: How to Choose for your Store
It's needless to say that eCommerce has made shopping swift, simple, and convenient. Products round-the-world are now just a click away and can be accessed from the comfort of one's home. But what happens at the backend of an eCommerce store, from the time an order is...
Prestashop Vs WooCommerce: Which is Best for your Store?
While setting up an eCommerce store, the platform you choose is the most important decision you're going to make for your business and its future. Your online CMS is where your business will exist, so it's essential to make sure that the environment is ideal for you....
OpenCart SEO Tips for Better Ranking & Growth
A search engine friendly website means better rankings and visibility online. For eCommerce stores, site optimization is even more important if you want more customers to visit your online store. If you're an OpenCart user looking to improve your e-store's ranking,...
6 eCommerce Storytelling Tips to Master your Brand’s Story
'Don't sell a product, sell an experience' The above quote is no less than a gospel in the modern-day marketing world. Any marketer worth his/her salt is aware that the customers of today are well-informed, and the market is brimming with competition. This is why...