Webscoot Blog – eCommerce Hosting tutorials
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7 Major eCommerce Mistakes That You MUST Avoid
Mistakes sure give you a lesson for growth, but they can be learned from others’ mistakes as well. The same goes for your eCommerce mistakes. The brownie point of learning from other peoples’ mistakes is that you can avoid those mistakes and in eCommerce, that can...
Magento 2 Mobile App Builder: Ultimate Guide to Create App
Your competition is investing in AI, VR, omnichannel and whatnot. If you have a Magento store then Magento 2 mobile app builder will help you to stay ahead of the game. Do you know that 72.9% of eCommerce sales come from mobile devices?- Statisa mCommerce is booming,...
AWS Cost Optimization: 7 Ways to Drastically Reduce $$$
Using AWS could burn your pocket. This guide on AWS cost optimization will help you develop a plan for reducing AWS costs & working effectively. AWS is based on the pay-as-you-go model. This means you only pay for what you opt for. Simple, right? Not really. AWS...
Detailed Guide: What is Managed Hosting? (Pros & Cons)
Being a website owner is not an easy task. You have to spend time, resources, and make some significant decisions. Before we dive into what is managed hosting, question yourself: What do you expect from your website? Is it just a side hobby? Or are you going to make...
11 Best eCommerce Skills For Sure Success
To be successful, you must continue to learn. These best eCommerce skills will help you in your journey. In 2020, global retail eCommerce sales hit $4.28 trillion, with eRetail revenues predicted to rise to $5.4 trillion by 2022. To say eCommerce is booming would be...
Instagram Marketing for eCommerce
If you own an eCommerce and don’t have an Instagram Marketing Strategy; are you even serious about your business? It’s a well know norm; You’ve to catch your customers where they are. According to Statista, 5.44 billion people used the internet as of April 2024,...
Meet Magento India 2022: Sponsored By Webscoot
MEET MAGENTO INDIA 2022 Is finally here! MM22IN will be held online due to covid as same as the year before; Only better! WebScoot has been a proud sponsor of Meet Magneto for 5 years in a row and being a part of MM22IN brings WebScoot great delight and...
Why AWS Is The One For Your eCommerce: 7 Reasons Explained
AWS is the world's top provider of cloud-based and has proven to be a great choice for eCommerce. Companies that invest in the AWS cloud see an increase in revenue almost immediately. AWS accounts for 13% of Amazon's overall sales, which is an interesting...
mCommerce Statistics 2021 And Trends For 2022
eCommerce is reaching new heights, and mobile phones have a huge say in it; which rises the need for mCommerce. Nevertheless, people are liking the comfort of shopping from their fingertips and easy returns act as a cherry on top. Over the last few years, mobile...